Streamlining Success: Advanced Custom ERP Integration for Dynamic Business Evolution

Industry ERP is a web-based suite of business management software tools, including, for example,CRM, e-commerce, billing, accounting, manufacturing, warehouse, project management, inventory management, and much more.

Integrated and customized ERP solution with Python, Odoo, REST API, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, Software Development Life Cycle, Object-Oriented Programming, Development, and Testing of Client/Server Web Applications.

Competencies and Domains

Open Source Expertise

Module Creation and Customization

Community Engagement


Multi-Language and Multi-Currency Support

Cloud and On-Premise Deployment

Advanced Reporting Features

Software Maintenance & Support

Our Process

   Requirement Analysis

Dive deep into your vision. We dissect your needs to uncover the essence of what will drive your business forward.


Develop a detailed project plan outlining tasks, timelines, and responsibilities, and allocate resources, including human resources and budget. Identify and prioritize business processes that need improvement.

   Agile Development

Embracing agility, we develop solutions iteratively, ensuring flexibility and responsiveness to evolving requirements throughout the development cycle.

   Customization and Configuration

Work with the ERP vendor to customize the solution according to business needs. Configure modules and settings based on specific requirements.


Periodically evaluate the ERP system's impact on business goals and objectives. Collect feedback from users and stakeholders.

Our Technological Mastery
Why Boscosoft Stands Out in ERP Customization

Expertise in ERP Solutions

At Boscosoft, our seasoned professionals offer deep expertise in customizing ERP systems to fit your unique business needs.

Tailored Business Solutions

We understand each business is unique. Our customized ERP solutions are designed to align with your specific business strategies, enhancing efficiency and productivity.

Advanced Technology

e use cutting-edge technology to keep your business at the forefront, incorporating the latest ERP features for future-ready solutions.

Dedicated Support

Boscosoft provides comprehensive training and ongoing support, ensuring a smooth ERP system integration and operation.

Proven Track Record

O With a history of successful implementations across various industries, our client testimonials speak to our ability to deliver exceptional results.

Competitive Pricing

We offer transparent, cost-effective pricing for high-quality, functional ERP solutions, ensuring the best ROI.

Partnership Approach

Your success is our goal. We collaborate closely with you throughout the project, ensuring solutions that cater to both current needs and future growth.

Voices of Success

"Our team's collaboration has greatly improved since implementing the software. The centralized platform has made communication seamless, and we can easily track progress on our projects and its activities"


Our Valuable Clients
What Does ERP Customization Involve at Boscosoft?

At Boscosoft, ERP customization means tailoring our robust ERP systems to align precisely with your unique business needs. This includes modifying existing functionalities, adding new features, or removing unnecessary ones to create a solution that fits your business perfectly.

Why Opt for Custom ERP Solutions from Boscosoft?

Custom ERP solutions from Boscosoft ensure that your business benefits from a system that's fine-tuned to your specific workflows and processes, leading to improved efficiency, reduced manual effort, and enhanced overall productivity.

How Does ERP Customization Differ from ERP Configuration at Boscosoft?

Customization at Boscosoft refers to the development of new features or significant changes to the ERP system, while configuration involves setting up and adjusting existing features to suit your business needs without altering the core code.

What Are the Key Benefits of Customizing ERP with Boscosoft?

The key benefits include tailored solutions that fit your business processes, increased user adoption due to familiar and relevant interfaces, and the flexibility to scale and evolve as your business grows.

How Does Boscosoft Address the Risks Associated with ERP Customization?

We tackle customization risks through strategic planning, rigorous testing, and by leveraging our extensive industry experience. Our approach ensures that customization enhances your ERP's functionality without compromising on performance or stability.

How Long Will the Customization Process Take with Boscosoft?

The customization timeline varies depending on the complexity and specific requirements. At Boscosoft, we focus on delivering quality solutions in a time-efficient manner.

Will Customization Affect Future ERP System Upgrades at Boscosoft?

Our customizations are planned with future upgrades in mind, ensuring compatibility and scalability. We aim to make your ERP solution future-proof and adaptable.

What is the Cost of ERP Customization with Boscosoft?

The cost depends on the customization scope and complexity. Boscosoft provides transparent pricing and works with clients to ensure clarity and understanding of all costs involved.

Can Boscosoft Customize Our Existing ERP System?

Yes, we specialize in assessing and customizing existing ERP systems to enhance their functionality and align them more closely with your business needs.

How Does Boscosoft Ensure Security in Customized ERP Systems?

Security is paramount in all our ERP solutions. We adhere to the highest security standards and best practices, ensuring that your customized system is robust and resistant to threats.

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